
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Sine and cosine 11 degrees and 32.7 minutes how to calculate?

When I went to school, I had to use the table of Bradisa for a finding of sine, cosine, tangents and cotangents. Has already forgotten, as this table to use. But today we live in a computer century, and what such the computer? Correctly, it is such big calculator. And in each big calculator there should be a calculator small. Here this calculator also needs to use. At me operating system Windows XP, on the screen the glory, below, is a button "Start-up". Press this button, then in the menu choose "All programs", from all programs choose "Standard". In standard programs the calculator of sine necessary to us and cosine hides.

The calculator usually has no sine and cosine. It is necessary to press a button "Kind" in top panel the calculator and to choose "Engineering". In the engineering calculator there are buttons necessary to us a sine "sin", cosine "cos" and a tangent "tg".

After that it is necessary to track that in the calculator decimal notation and degrees for corners would be included. For this purpose it is necessary to press "Dec" and "Degrees" as on a picture it is shown. Our tool for a finding of sine and cosine is ready. Now we will start directly process of extraction of useful trigonometrical minerals.

If it was not possible to you extract the calculator from the computer, do not despair! Specially for you I have placed in this blog "Mathematics for blondes" the calculator free of charge which you can use directly here and now!

web 2.0 scientific calculator

At first it is necessary to translate minutes in degrees. For this purpose 32.7 we divide on 60. It is As a result received 0.545 degrees. On 60 we divide because in one degree of 60 minutes. To received циферке it is added 11 degrees which at us already are, and it is received 11.545 degrees. Here from such corner on the calculator it is possible to take already sine and косинусы. For this purpose it is necessary to press simply a button "sin" or "cos".

All process press buttons looks so:

32.7 / 60 + 11 = sin

As a result in a calculator window there will be number 0.20013750391127021629780041181162

For math it registers so:

sin (11° 32.7') = sin 11.545° = 0.2001

For a cosine of the angle of 11 degrees of 32.7 minutes value is equal almost to unit and will register so:

cos (11° 32.7') = cos 11.545° = 0.9798

For a tangent all is carried out precisely also, only right at the end instead of a button "sin" the button "tg" is pressed. Here with cotangent, apparently, a problem. There is no such button in the calculator! But we clever, also remember that trigonometrical function cotangent is return trigonometrical function in relation to a tangent (so much clever words for once - already most terribly!). In practice it looks very simply: at first we find a tangent as it is described above. When numbers a tangent have appeared in a calculator window, we press a button "1/х". Numbers a tangent will exchange on numbers cotangent. And this additional magic button is called "number, the return entered". For the sake of a trick, enter number 2, press this magic button and you will have number 0.5 that equally 1/2.

For transfer of seconds in minutes, seconds as need to be divided on 60, as in each minute of 60 seconds. For transfer in the degrees, the received minutes it is necessary to divide once again on 60:

1" = 0.016667' = 0.00027778°

Here, apparently, all how to calculate a sine and косинус 11 degrees and 32,7 minutes. If someone still had questions, write to comments. If to someone laziness most to press buttons in the calculator, it is not necessary to write to comments! I understand, not imperial this business - to be picked the calculator. Then go on a site of the decision of problems, they will execute any your mathematical whim, naturally, for your money.

For the favourite blondes I can give some small helps. The sine of 6 degrees of 30 minutes needs to be typed on the calculator as 6,5 degrees, then to press a sine button.

Now example it is more difficult, with seconds: cosine 6 degrees of 7 minutes of 9 seconds. 9 seconds we divide on 60, we add 7 minutes, again we divide on 60, we add 6 degrees. Number 6.11916666 should turn out... Degrees. Now we press a button cosine "cos". An order press buttons the such:

9 / 60 + 7 / 60 + 6 = cos

For math recalculation of degrees, minutes and seconds in degrees for 6 degrees of 7 minutes of 9 seconds can be written down so:

(9 : 60 + 7) : 60 + 6 = 6.11916666...

In a general view for a corner in x degrees, y minutes, z seconds the transfer formula in degrees will look so:

(z : 60 + y) : 60 + x = degrees

I hope, this formula is useful to you.

How to find a value:

How do you find the sin of degrees and minutes on a calculator - here is a calculator it is written, how on him to calculate a sine.


  1. How do you do this problem: Sin(x)=-.8453, x is in QIV and 0degrees < x < 360 degrees FIND x IN DEGREE, MINUTES, AND SECONDS. I have been trying to do this problem for two hours now and can't figure it out

  2. Sin32.7 ka value 0.540 hoga...

    1. Sahee hai, lekin ham 11.545 digree kee jya kee talaash kar rahe hain.
