
Friday, April 01, 2016

Law of cosines in general

To present the law of cosines in general need to go back to the beginning. If the expression for one side of the triangle the length multiplied by the same hand n-times, the equation does not change.

Conversion formulas. Law of cosines in general. Mathematics For Blondes.
Conversion formulas

If you add equal to three sides of the triangle, we obtain the law of cosines in general.

Law of cosines in general. Mathematics For Blondes.
Law of cosines in general

The law of cosines in general terms describes the relationship between the sides and angles of a triangle in a multidimensional space. If the given equation is satisfied, then the triangle is in the Euclidean space. Options description triangle in curvilinear spaces require further study. For the correct application of the law of cosines in solid geometry, spherical triangles side length should be unit of measurement in the same units of measurement, which is measured in planimetrics.

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