
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bases of mathematics

Bases of mathematics are a cycle of my reasons. Main task of "Bases of mathematics" - to complement mathematics the absent fragments of mathematical knowledge and set intercommunications between some copy-book maxims already known to us.

Most useful innovations in mathematics will be units of measurement and divizion by zero. Clear that to explain it it will be not simply. For understanding will be thoroughly to understand some generally accepted mathematical concepts to set that there is a true in them, and that is lie.

Why are units of measurement needed in mathematics? Here imagine such situation. Does a child go near you, hands to you an object asks: "That will happen, if to drop this object?" Using principles of modern mathematics, you need to take the list of all great numbers of objects to find, to what great number from existing this object belongs. If this great number of the broken up objects, then this concrete object will be broken up. If this great number of jumpings up objects, then this object will jump up. In the existent lists of great numbers of objects you will have to be long and boring dug, before you will be able to find an answer for a question.

Is it possible to decide a problem simpler? It is possible. If by sight to determine material out of that an object is made and to know properties of this material - then no problems. A glass object will be broken up, a rubber ball will jump up, a ferrous ring will do "drin" and jelly will do "tuff".

Just in mathematics there is business with units of measurement. If you know mathematical properties of unit of measurement, you will say without effort, that can be expected and what it is impossible from a that physical parameter that this unit of measurement belongs to.

Introduction to mathematics of units of measurement as a mathematical element equivalent to the numbers, allows to determine mathematical methods many fundamental properties of the surrounding world.

If you think that as a result of such innovations of mathematician will become yet tangled, you wrong. Mathematics will be simpler, more slender, clearer. Look at the basic axioms of mathematics.

More interesting things on the page "New Math".

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